11 June 2011


I did something stupid. I signed up for QuiBids thinking it was an auction site something like Ebay, which I use frequently. It’s not. Before you can even bid on anything you have to shell out $60 for 100 bids, which sounds like a lot, until you start using them. Each bid cost you 60 cents. There are enticing items, like Macbooks, LED TVs, appliances, etc. but there are mostly gift cards and credits for more bids. This works in such a way that you wind up using your bids awfully fast, coming away with nothing because of the way the “auction” is structured. Each bid raises the price by a penny, but costs someone 60 cents. The kicker is that if anyone else bids in the last 20 seconds the clock is reset to twenty. As a result you are stuck in a game of chicken with whoever else is bidding until you run out of points. It is true that at some point somebody wins, and may even get a Macbook for $10, but meanwhile an awful lot of money has been wasted by people losing the auction. That’s how they can afford to offer a few prizes that could go for pennies on the dollar. It depends on hundreds or thousands of other idiots spending the $60 and getting nothing. When something looks too good to be true it usually is. Avoid getting conned. Stay away from lthis one like the plague.

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